Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Summit Lake Ascension" in Process

Photo of Summit Lake by Vivian Kendall
 plus Flying Woman online image manipulated in Photoshop

"Summit Lake Ascension", Underpainting 1

"Summit Lake Ascension" Underpainting 2

Photo of my Hand

Photoshop of Underpainting 2 with Hand Added
This painting is intended to show the death of Vivian Kendall, whom I knew as Osprey Therian. She took the photo of Summit Lake from the deck of her house overlooking the lake. I found the image of a woman flying online, flopped it, and manipulated it in Photoshop to show the joy of leaving a body that no longer worked. She was freed by Death. 

Then I decided I needed to add a big hand to show she was gathered up by the Higher Self, gently freeing her. I took a pic of my hand, flopped it, and put it into an image of the underpainting in Photoshop. Next I will do the actual painting of the Hand.


Unknown said...

Gorgeous xx Os would love it!

Ilianexsi Sojourner said...

Very cool! Can't wait to see the finished image.